Domestic pharmaceutical companies against imported drugs


Association of Domestic Pharmaceutical Companies from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina entity supports the expansion of the Sarajevo Canton’s ‘essential drug list’ but they are against the list expansion to the foreign, generic drugs.

The Sarajevo Canton had recently expanded the ‘essential drug list’ which is a list of drugs used for the treatment of some of the most common and difficult diseases, subsidized by the canton. The problem arose when the list was expanded by import drugs which are cheaper and offer the same or similar effects to the ones produced in the FBiH.

The Association warns that expansion to cheaper drugs is not some legal obligation nor is the expansion of the list of drug manufacturers going to contribute to the better health of citizens.

“Unjustified import increase means greater export of Bosnian money and a whole series of indirect consequences for the health care system of Bosnia and Herzegovina,” the Association said.

This is supported by the fact that the drug consumption ratio of drugs from the ‘essential list’ in the Canton of Sarajevo is 30:70, in favour of foreigner manufacturers.

This ratio is considerably less favourable for domestic pharmaceutical companies when considering the FBiH consumption level.

Unlike foreign companies, they say the domestic ones continuously invest in the development and employment of the local population and exhibit strong social responsibility and have an active contribution in building a sustainable health care system.

The FBiH Association of Domestic Pharmaceutical Companies expects the cantonal Health Ministry and the Cantonal government to continue supporting domestic job creation in the strategic pharmaceutical industry.