NATO defence ministers adopt plan for possible second wave of pandemic

NEWS 18.06.202020:51

NATO defence ministers met at a video conference on Thursday to prepare for a possible second wave of the coronavirus pandemic, the Croatian Defence Ministry said in a press release.

They decided on a plan to provide support to Allies and partners, agreed to establish a stockpile of medical equipment and supplies, as well as a new fund to enable Allies to quickly acquire medical supplies and services.

Defence ministers from Finland, Sweden and Australia also joined the discussions, as well as EU High Representative Josep Borrell.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg presented a comprehenisve report on the pandemic which served as the foundation for the discussion.

NATO defence ministers also decided to update NATO's guidelines for national resilience to take greater account of cyber threats, the security of supply chains, and consequences of foreign ownership and control.

Croatian State Secretary Zdravko Jakop spoke about the role of the Croatian Army in figting the pandemic, the press release said.