Demining activities have been officially completed with the removal of signs that until recently warned of the presence of land mines, along hiking trails and attractive tourist destinations on Trebevic mountain and the municipality of Istocni Stari Grad, Fena news agency reported.
According to the Mine Detection Dog Centre (MDDC), who conducted the demining operation, over 260 land mines and explosive devices were found on Trebevic.
The mine-clearance operation was implemented under the project called “Mine-Free Sarajevo,” which is fully funded by the United States. It officially began on April 4, 2019, and includes four municipalities in the Sarajevo region – the municipalities of Vogosca, Novi Grad, Stari Grad, and Istocni Stari Grad.
So far, all mine clearance activities in the municipalities of Stari Grad and Novi Grad have been completed, declaring the City of Sarajevo free of mines, and on Thursday demining activities have been completed in the municipality of Istocni Stari Grad.
Residents of the municipality, as well as numerous visitors to Trebevic, will no longer have to fear mines and other unexploded ordnance left over from the 1992-1995 war in Bosnia.
The “Mine-Free Sarajevo” project is one of the most significant projects dealing with mine clearance in Bosnia and Herzegovina which is implemented through the ITF Enhancing Human Security – a humanitarian, non-profit organization established by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia with the aim of helping Bosnia in the implementation of the peace agreement and providing assistance and support in post-conflict rehabilitation.