Zenica honours tradition and marks first day of spring in a special way


Dozens of Zenica residents gather every year on the banks of the Bosna river to mark the first day of spring in a traditional event in this central Bosnian town, and the century-old tradition was again honoured this March.

According to custom, the event starts at the dawn of March 21, with the gathering of the locals who make scrambled eggs with onions, a traditional dish called ‘cimbur’ that the event is named after, ‘Cimburijada’.

Sometimes, the bravest ones dive in the river for the first swim of the year.

“Any kind of birth in life, especially of spring, is the sign we should be happy for something new coming. Spring season is the most beautiful part of the year,” said Zenica Mayor, Fuad Kasumovic, who opened this year’s festival.

In line with tradition, organisers made a ‘cimbur’ of 1,500 eggs, which was then served to the guests who came from other parts of Bosnia and from abroad.

For the second year in a row, this all-day event is organised by the Forum of Citizens of Zenica association.
