The leader of the Bosnian Croat HDZ party, Dragan Covic, has announced that he is willing to support the document which was accepted by representatives of 12 Bosnian political parties in Brussels on Sunday, provided that two amendments are added to the text.
A source close to Covic said on Monday that he would support the document with an additional “two minor changes that should not be problematic.” The changes will give an additional value to the text, the source said.
The leaders of 12 Bosniak and Serb parties endorsed the document in Brussels on Sunday, committing to the electoral law reform and limited amendment to the Constitution within six months since the formation of authorities at all levels.
European Council President Charles Michel had arranged for 15 parliamentary parties from Bosnia and Herzegovina to meet in Brussels on Sunday. In attendance were representatives of 12 parties who endorsed the document “Political agreement on principles for ensuring a functional Bosnia and Herzegovina that advances on the European path”.
The preamble reads among other things that the signatories are committed to “upholding the principle of the rule of law and conduct free and democratic elections as well as develop democratic institutions at all levels of government/authority.”
Covic is proposing that this should be ammended by adding “in compliance with the agreement on the implementation of the rulings of the European Court for Human Rights, signed in Brussels on 1 October 2013, and in line with the political agreement on amending the electoral law, signed in Mostar on 17 June 2020.”
Covic and the leader of the Bosniak SDA party, Bakir Izetbegovic, signed a political agreement in Mostar on 17 June 2020 regulating the model of election of councillors in that southern city and amending the city statute.
The 17 June 2020 political agreement made it possible for elections to be held in Mostar for the first time since 2008.
Covic also demands paragraph 11 of the Brussels document to be amended which now reads that the the parties are committed to adopt, within six months from the formation of the authorities at all levels, “electoral reforms and those limited constitutional reforms needed to ensure full compliance with the judgements of the European Court of Human Rights and the Bosnia and Herzegovina Constitutional Court, Venice Commission recommendations and OSCE/ODIHR and GRECO recommendations.”
On Sunday evening, Covic raised the question of how it would be possible to establish the authorities after the crucial provision of the electoral law was declared null and void.
“However, it is a crucial issue how one can establish the authorities if you do not have crucial provisions already declared null and void by the Constitutional Court,” said Covic.
Participants in the Brussels meeting said in Sarajevo on Monday that they had not signed the document but only endorsed the paper published by European Council president.
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